BurranaIFE Systems

digEcor announces release of new slim line NV monitor

By October 6, 2018 No Comments

At APEX in Boston, digEcor announced it is releasing its newest, and slimmest GLIDE NV screen. At less than 3/8th of an inch (10mm) the new technology screen is easily installed in any seat back or on any bulkhead and delivers all the functions and capabilities of digEcor’s GLIDE solution. The screen is also significantly lighter and has the latest IMX8 processor with increased memory, opening further application options. It supports the latest HDR content.

This newest addition to digEcor wide range of screen options also introduces a swappable interface cartridge that supports USB A or C and headphone A1B1 or D2, utilizing the same electrical and harness interface as their existing Glide system – meaning no new wiring is needed.

As with the current NV screens it can be used as a seat back, arm or monument mounted monitor. The NV can also be used as a cabin management secondary or cabin lighting controller.

Media:         Tina Kazmer, VP Marketing & Sales Support

                      +61 416 046 176


John Castiblanco

Author John Castiblanco

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