Our Solutions / IFE Systems / GLIDE IFE

GLIDE is a modular and fully scalable seat-centric IFE system for narrow and wide-body aircraft.
Providing a wide range of screen sizes, the core GLIDE installation includes seat, arm or monument mounted screens, seat box power units, a cabin management terminal and reinforced dual headphone jacks. GLIDE is simple to install, requires minimal aircraft downtime and is the lightest weight, most economical and reliable IFE solution available today.
Leveraging its scalability, the complete GLIDE system offers a fully integrated flight experience for passengers with the additional cabin technologies and passenger features of USB power and 110V in-seat power, passenger service functions, cabin lighting and overhead monitor integration.
Being modular in design, these additional cabin technologies and passenger features can be added as required, now or in the future.
Enhancing passenger experience is what drives our business and GLIDE provides the full range of audio and video on-demand including early window content, short features, android games, inflight and online magazines, web browsing, shopping, advertising and more. The system also provides an extensive moving map and ability to connect to On-board cameras.
GLIDE connects to Satcom, ACARS and other air-to-ground connectivity solutions to provide live content and can load content until dispatch to provide passengers with near live experience for airlines not wishing to invest in connectivity.